Michigan Ant Control - Rove Pest Control

Michigan Ant Control

Michigan Ant Control

Preferred expert by 760 WJR’s Inside Outside Guys

Whether in the UP or the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan has a plethora of trail options cutting through the endless tree covered hills. In fact, many neighborhoods are built right into the tree-scape, but we people aren’t the only ones who love to live and hike amidst the trees. Ants love trees and this natural affinity leads them to and into Michigan homes all year long.

Winter Ants

That is right, ants about all year long. The climate in Michigan seems unsupportive of life during 1/3 to 1/2 the year, but ants are great at building underground fortresses of protection. They know how long winter can be (probably better than most people) and build up food storage for the whole colony. In some cases, garage floor slabs or wall voids will provide even better protection for them during the harsh winter months. Ants that have connected their colonial structure to our human structure may pop out to refresh food storage or forage for fresh food during the late fall, winter and early spring months.

Inside and outside ants

Identification is important when determining why ants are in or around a certain area. Some ants such as the pharaoh ant are going to be wall void dwellers. Carpenter ants on the other hand, will dwell in trees, wall voids, forage throughout the house, or even set up a satellite colony in a curtain rod! Pavement or mound ants are most likely going to be external dwellers.

Ant Society

From the birthplace of Motown to the Henry Ford Museum, Michigan has its cultural elements that set it apart form even neighboring state societies. Different ant species are similar. They have different societal structures and practices that differ from one species and even colony to another. Some ant species have one singular queen while others may have thousands. Some ants have burial spots for their dead. Some ants have taken to the practice of controlling other insect species to have the produce food for the ant colony.

Michigan’s most frequent

There are so many ant species floating around even just the state of Michigan that it would be hard to being to keep them straight, but for the purposes of businesses and residences, there is a much shorter list of most frequently dealt with ants that include:

  • Carpenter Ant
  • Little Black Ant
  • Pavement Ant
  • Acrobat Ants
  • Odorous Ant
  • Pharaoh Ant
  • Allegheny Mound Ant

What to do about unwanted ants

While I am not sure a wanted ant is a thing outside of ant farms, there are specific steps to follow when eliminating ants from a Michigan business, home, or landscape. Always start with identification of the ant and the related colony support. Look at exclusion options from the area where control is desired. At that point, it should be come more and more clear as to what the control process should entail. The more customized to the specific ant and situation, the better. From identification to the final plan, the Ant species lists at Rove Pest Control can guide you through the process or take it off your hands entirely.