Bed Bug Control in Wellesley, MA - Rove Pest Control

Bed Bug Control in Wellesley, MA

Wellesley Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs are insects that have been infesting homes, hotels, and hospitals for years. In fact, there is evidence they were hanging around the Pharaoh’s corridors in ancient Egypt. Whether you travel for work or pleasure, bed bugs are hoping to catch a ride on you or your belongings and join you in Wellesley. They aren’t the typical insect that hangs out in the Wellesley College Botanic Gardens, these feed solely on people. Bed Bugs are no DIY project, call in the Rove Pest Control Wellesley bed bug control experts asap.

The Blood Meal

Bed bugs are a parasitic type of insect that feeds on the blood of humans and animals, particularly at night when we are asleep. Their bites can result in a number of health impacts including skin rashes, psychological effects, and allergic symptoms, but they do not transmit disease. Most cases are minor however a large or persistent attack can cause serious health side effects.

How Bed Bugs Spread

  • Human hosts unknowingly carrying bed bugs or eggs
  • Items such as used furnishings, and mattresses
  • Wild animals carrying the bugs to new homes

Eliminating Bed Bugs

Identify Infestation Area

Look for markings on your skin. Typically bed bugs will feed off a host and then move to a common object like a bed and plan for their spread. Search areas close to where you were bitten to identify them such as:

  • Mattress seams
  • Behind pictures
  • Inside electronics
  • Behind baseboards

In some cases, you will not encounter the bugs themselves but will find their small oval eggs or their fecal droppings which look like pepper flakes. Once you find the alleged bed bug, it is important to have a pest professional confirm the identification. Bed bugs are host specific and their look-a-like counterparts may require magnification to distinguish among:

  • Common Bed Bug
  • Bat Bug
  • Tropical Bed Bug
  • Poultry Bug
  • Chimney Swift Bug

Positive species identification will ensure the correct Wellesley bed bug control measures are put in place and avoid fighting a losing battle.

Select the Appropriate Control Measures

In some cases, eliminating the host and taking care of the corresponding exclusion work will suffice, but in the case of the common bed bug and tropical bed bug, a more extensive combination of control measures may be needed. The bed bug control tool bag includes:

  • Sprays
  • Insect growth regulators
  • Fumigants
  • Dessicant dusts
  • Heat
  • Freezing
  • Pitfall traps
  • Sticky traps
  • Active lure traps

Don’t Wage This War Alone

If you suspect you may have a bed bug or one of their relatives in your home or business, reach out to our Wellesley bed bug control specialists at Rove Pest Control to schedule an inspection and consultation.