Farmington Hills Bed Bug Control - Rove Pest Control

Farmington Hills Bed Bug Control

Farmington Hills Bed Bug Control

Preferred expert by 760 WJR’s Inside Outside Guys

We have all heard horror stories about bed bugs and the challenges associated with them. These bugs hitch-hike, sneak, and hide in small inconspicuous spaces to await a host. Therefore, it’s essential to know what to look for and prevent the spread of bed bugs and avoid an unwanted bunkmate.

Bed bugs are notoriously picked up during travel. Hotels, rental properties, and even family homes can be a breeding ground for these bugs. Because bed bugs are small and flat, they fit into unthinkable areas making it easy to go unnoticed. They may take a ride in the zipper cover of a suitcase or even in the tread of your shoe! Farmington Hills bed bug control starts with noticing the signs before you bring them home to feed.


The first thing to know is what a bed bug looks like. They are flat, round, and range in color based on both age and feeding habits. Younger bed bugs can appear clear and shed their skin as they grow. Adult bed bugs are more commonly red to a dark brown color based on the last time they enjoyed a blood meal. Another possible identifier is small reddish-brown stains on both the mattress or sheets, caused by these bugs being squished and excreting fluids. Black flecks like pepper flakes in places you don’t recall applying pepper (such as your mattress) can be a good indication of bed bug presence. These small black specs may be bed bug droppings.

Keep in mind there are plenty of different types of bed bugs, so proper identification can be key. Bat bugs for example prefer to feed on bats and are therefore going to have a very different source of origination than a swallow bug or the common bed bug. The difference between the two from a visual standpoint comes down to the length of the hairs compared to the width of the eye (as viewed under magnification).

Where Should I Look for Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs can be found anywhere there is a food source. Aside from commonly being found in the seams and creases of a mattress and box springs, they can also be found in used furniture, including desks, chairs, and couches. Inspections for Farmington Hills bed bugs should also include electronics as able. It’s essential to consider both where you are purchasing furniture and other used items as well as their condition before bringing it into your home.

How To Prevent Bed Bugs

Farmington Hills bed bug control prevention measres may include:

  • Thoroughly check hotel or rental mattresses, making sure to look in the seams
  • Place luggage on an elevated surface when traveling to avoid bug invasions from the floor
  • Inspect used furniture before purchasing and consider the environment the furniture was in previously
  • Use protective mattress covers that are high quality and zip around your mattress
  • Thoroughly inspect items brought back into the home after travel. If I travel anywhere that I suspect may have had bed bugs, I toss all of my clothes and anything that won’t be ruined into the dryer. Running the dryer on high for a cycle can kill bed bugs in all stages.

Killing Bed Bugs

Once bed bugs make it in, they can be difficult to eradicate. There are many tools available for Farmington Hills bed bug control such as:

  • Monitoring traps
  • Active lure traps
  • Mattress and furniture encasements
  • Sprays
  • Dusts
  • Heat
  • Freezing