Bed Bug Extermination in Brooklyn Park | Rove Pest Control

Brooklyn Park Bed Bug Control

Not A Mosquito Bite

The cool, crisp morning air that accompanies fall in Brooklyn Park is typically a reminder that it is time to put the fun summer toys away and prepare for the long hard winter that is sure to come, but it isn’t all gloom and doom. Colder weather brings with it the satisfaction of knowing that those pesky, blood-sucking mosquitoes will fall victim to the weather change and leave you in peace for the next six months. But what happens when those nasty mosquito bites continue long after the warm weather ceases? This is an indication that those itchy welts are not a mosquito bite, and it is time to start the inspection process for bed bugs.

More Than “Bed” Bugs

Bed bugs aren’t dependent upon the presence of a bed to survive. They only care about one thing – easy access to you and your rich delicious blood supply. Like mini, watermelon-seed shaped vampires, their only desire is to suck your blood. Since you are their food ticket, they will follow you where you frequent. They are stealthy bugs that move silently and are nearly imperceptible as they crawl across your body and pierce your skin. They will hang out in mattresses, behind headboards, in mattress frames, and box springs, but that is not all. Bed bugs will colonize your favorite couch, the comfy recliner that supports you during those disappointing Vikings games, and will even hang out in the electronics that surround your resting spots until you return for dinner.

Hard To Control

As bed bug populations sweep across the country, pest control sections of store shelves are being filled with the latest and greatest claims to victory over the war on bed bugs, but BE CAREFUL. Many over-the-counter products that carry these claims have been proven ineffective at complete control in field situations. If you choose the wrong product that only kills some of the bed bugs, the survivors will be resistant to that type of product and the population will quickly morph into SUPER BUGS!

Rove Solves Your Bed Bug Woes

Don’t be scared into submission. You do not have to spend the rest of your life donating blood to the bed bug blood banks. Call Rove and find the solution that fits you best. Rove has the latest technology for annihilating bed bugs and can take care of you population in one day. Although the process only takes a day, we don’t stop there – we make sure you get the follow up and assistance necessary to make sure you avoid encountering these awful creatures again. Call a Rove Pest Control Bed Bug Specialist today!