Other Pests We Treat - Rove Pest Control

Other Pests We Treat

Residential Pest Control Tech on Home

We specialize in managing common household pests, but our expertise doesn’t stop there. Many homeowners like you, encounter less common but equally frustrating pests that can invade your living spaces, cause damage, or disrupt your peace of mind. From beetles that harm your landscaping to invasive bugs that can swarm indoors, these pests require specialized knowledge and proven techniques to eliminate them effectively.

That’s where Rove Pest Control steps in with the tools and expertise to handle pests that come into your home. With our customized treatments and proactive approach, we can help you keep your entire home protected.

Spider Control 

Spiders are among the most common household pests, often signaled by unsightly webs in corners, basements, and attics.While most species are harmless, others, like black widows or brown recluses, can pose health risks through their venomous bites. Rove’s spider control treatments start by identifying nesting sites, reducing clutter, and sealing entry points. After that, our visits include perimeter sprays and targeted applications to eliminate spiders and deter future infestations with minimal disruption to your home environment.

Box-Elder Bugs

Box-elder bugs love invading homes in large numbers, especially during fall, as they seek shelter from cooler temperatures. They are easily recognizable by their black and red bodies, and these swarming pests primarily feed on box elder, maple, and ash trees, though they are more of a nuisance than a direct threat. If they get indoors, they can stain walls, curtains, and furniture with their excrement, and controlling box-elder bugs deserves a professional approach. By sealing entry points, targeting intruders, and addressing outdoor populations through tree management and insecticidal treatments, we can keep your home protected.

Asian Beetle Control

Asian beetles, often mistaken for native ladybugs, are invasive pests known for congregating in massive numbers inside your home during the colder months. While they help control aphid populations outdoors, their indoor presence isn’t as appreciated due to their unpleasant odor and potential to stain surfaces.

These beetles can also cause mild allergic reactions in some individuals, which is why our comprehensive approach focuses on eliminating the populations while blocking points of entry to keep your home protected well after we leave.

Japanese Beetles

Japanese beetles, which tend to be a metallic green compared to their Asian beetle relatives, are destructive pests that target over 300 plant species, including roses, fruits, and ornamental trees.

Adult beetles, the most destructive of the bunch, are known to skeletonize foliage, while their larvae, or grubs, damage lawns by feeding on grass roots. Our approach to Japanese beetle control includes systemic treatments that target adults, applying grub control treatments to lawns, and protecting vulnerable plants with targeted insecticides during peak activity periods.

Emerald Ash Borers

The emerald ash borer, or EAB for short, is an invasive beetle species that has caused widespread devastation to ash trees across North America.

This metallic green pest lays its eggs on ash bark, and its larvae burrow into the tree, disrupting the flow of water and nutrients, ultimately leading to the tree’s death. Professional EAB control from Rove includes a combination of tree injections with systemic insecticides, removing infested trees, and preventive treatments for healthy trees in affected areas. Early detection is always key for emerald ash borers, so don’t hesitate to call us.

Schedule Pest Control Services With Rove Pest Control 

Rove Pest Control has you covered. Our team of skilled professionals brings our targeted techniques and eco-conscious solutions to every job to eliminate infestations while preserving the health of your home and the surrounding environment. From sealing entry points and applying precise treatments to our ongoing preventive care, we’ll keep the pests a problem of the past.

Contact us to schedule an appointment and to get your free pest control estimate today!