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A Win is a WIN!


A gal standing on a table madly swinging a broom at a mouse that has long scurried away, a high pitched scream from a spider sighting that will be described as the size of her head, and many other female vs pest stereotypes are NO MORE!

Rove is finding brave women who do not subscribe to the thought that pest control is a male industry. As part of the process of adding a feminine touch to the pest world, Rove is happy to have some representatives in Women in Networking (WIN)

What is WIN?

WIN is a Twin Cities based organization in which women in business work together to encourage business growth. The network consists of entrepreneurs, business owners, managers, sales-women, and other growth-concerned females.

Why is WIN significant?

WIN is a voice and effort among many male dominated industries. WIN has “just” women networking groups to challenge and change that way of thinking. One of our sales reps reports that in just a few short weeks in her new position helped her realize she is often one of very few women in the room or even the only woman present. WIN has helped her understand how to better influence and benefit from the settings she finds herself in.

Why WIN is good for the community?

WIN helps build up local businesses and encourages local growth which benefits the surrounding communities. It also helps push the focus on local companies that are reputable instead of encouraging a business that is local regardless of reputation. The networking focus helps tie the success of individuals and businesses to the success of citizens of the community and the community as a whole.

Why is it important that Rove supports WIN?

Rove has an abnormally high percentage of women in the workforce for the industry average. In a world where Pest Control is developing and improving faster than community perceptions, it is vitally important to get the softer side of pest control out for the community to see. We want women to know we need more of them in our industry. We want more women and men to know that we have progressed a lot from the stereotypes commonly seen in society and movies from decades ago. Every time a customer, potential customer, or a bystander does a double-take when they realize that today’s Rove technician or account representative is a female; we bring more of the world out of the 20th century.