Paper Wasp Extermination in Oakdale | Rove Pest Control

Paper Wasp Control in Oakdale, MN

Rove Pest Control: Oakdale Paper Wasp Pest Control

With the recycle, reduce, reuse program, the city of Oakdale is dedicated to reducing their environmental footprint. Wasps will reuse wood around your home and combine it with their own saliva to create massive nests. Before you applaud these skilled workers, remember that those nests are often located on your home and each wasp can sting. Rove Pest Control is dedicated to reducing and eliminating wasp populations.

Paper Wasp Problem

Paper wasps are beneficial insects. They consume large amounts of caterpillars and other bugs that ruin your flowers and your garden. The downside to paper wasps are those nasty stingers. Unlike bees who can only sting you once, a wasp carries a rapid repeat stinger. Where there is one, there will soon be more. If you make a single wasp mad, it will release an alarm pheromone and soon the entire colony will descend to exact vengeance upon you.

Porches & Patios

Wasps hate water getting on their nests; the eaves of your home make a perfect, dry place for a nest. That means your porch and patio are two of their favorite places. As summer progresses, wasps become agitated, especially during drought conditions. The smallest disturbance can send the entire colony into a stinging whirlwind.

Rove Pest Control Is The Solution

If you have paper wasps that are holding your outdoors hostage, then we have a solution. With Rove Pest Control, you get a certified, highly trained technician who knows how to eradicate paper wasps. Our technician will be able to identify the type of wasp and the best treatment method. You will be able to reclaim your backyard. Visitors to your front door will thank you. When it comes to pest control, Rove Pest Control is your answer. If you have wasps, give us a call and schedule your free consultation today.