Hackberry Psyllids Extermination in Oakdale, MN | Rove Pest Control

Hackberry Psyllids Pest Control – Oakdale, MN

Rove Pest Control: Oakdale, MN Hackberry Psyllids Pest

Along with a lively summer farmers market, Oakdale also does several fun, family friendly annual celebrations. But if you find a colony of hackberry psyllids celebrating on your windowsills during the summer, you may feel more irritation than adulation.

What Are They?

Their name is quite a mouthful, but never fear, hackberry psyllids are not dangerous or destructive, just simply annoying. Typically, these small, brown winged insects love the hackberry leaves and most people notice their presence by the small “galls” or nipple-like bumps on the underside of these leaves. Inside are the encased nymphs feasting upon the gall’s nourishment.

How They Invade Your Home

In the fall, nymphs develop into an adults and that’s when homeowners will notice them. Seeing as they are small and just 0.5mm wide, these tiny creatures can crawl easily through the holes in your screens and onto your windowsill from an open window. Sometimes you may find groups of them along the walls and baseboards too. Fastidious people may try and keep them at bay with a quick fix like a vacuum but they will keep appearing until you tackle the root of the problem.

Enter The Experts

A vacuum can only stop them for a minute, but these hackberry psyllids will only keep emerging until you call one of our experienced technicians at Rove Pest Control. We can help you identify the site of their entrance, remove their source of nourishment, and stop them from ever gracing your windowsill again.

Not all pests are dangerous, but no one wants to share their home with unwelcome guests. Call us today to remove these unwanted visitors!