Wasp & Hornet Control in Minneapolis-St. Paul | Rove Pest Control

Wasp & Hornets Minneapolis, MN

Wasp and Hornets at Minneapolis’ Parks and Lakes

bee nest, hornet nest

Because Minneapolis has many parks and lakes, people are bound to run into trouble with wasps and hornets.

Our picnics, our colognes, and even the color of our clothes attract scavenging wasps.

But other than wearing a blistering cotton black t-shirt and wearing plain deodorant, the only thing we can do about wasps is call the professionals.

Types of Wasps in Minneapolis

There are many different types of wasps in Minneapolis, but we’ll only focus on two. The yellow jacket and the bald-faced hornet are some of the most aggressive wasps. The more you know about them, the more readily you can recognize them and take appropriate action.

The Yellow Jacket

The yellow jacket can live in aerial paper-like hives or in old mouse borrows. They’ve also been known to nest in wall voids.

Though many wasps feed off nectar and only hunt for other insects to feed their larvae, yellow jackets like meat in their adult form. They typically eat caterpillars and other insects, but this doesn’t stop them from surveying your picnic lunch. They love sweets and meats. This is why they are such a nuisance. They want our food, and they explore our garbage and follow us during picnics.

They’re aggressive. If you swat them away from your food, you risk being stung. Unlike honey bees, yellow jackets can sting and continue to live. They also can sting you repeatedly. Do not dare to approach a yellow jacket nest.

What happens if you get stung in Minneapolis-St. Paul

The Bald-Faced Hornet

The bald-faced hornet is no better than the yellow jacket. They build their nests primarily above ground—in paper-like hives. They won’t just stay in trees; they’ll settle on your home as well. This could cause significant problems.

The bald-faced hornet is more aggressive than the yellow jacket. They don’t need an excuse to attack you—they will because they can. Approaching a nest is dangerous and should be handled by a Minneapolis bug control professional.

Call the Minneapolis Pest Control Pros

Feel free to wear your bright shirt, and wear your cologne with pride. Call your Minneapolis Rove Pest Control professional and stop avoiding life because of invading hornets and wasps.