Asian Beetles Control in Minneapolis, MN | Rove Pest Control

Asian Beetles – Minneapolis, MN

Unsightly Intruders

Although more of a nuisance pest than likely to cause injury or damage, the Asian beetles are once again looking to make an appearance at a home near you…and quite possibly even at your home! These pesky pests that you last remember seeing throughout Minneapolis in late fall are now back in droves as temperatures begin to rise.

Sun Bathing Beetles

Asian lady beetles love the warmth and the light from the sun. In fact, studies have shown that they are attracted to illuminated surfaces. They tend to congregate on the sunnier, southwest sides of homes and structures which are most illuminated by the afternoon sun. Your home could be the perfect tanning bed for these critters and they never hesitate to invite their friends.

Minneapolis Misfortunes

As temperatures warm up and you thought it was the perfect time to enjoy your yard, so too do the Asian beetles. In fact, scores of these pests can also be found inside your home as they work to penetrate windows, doorframes, exterior siding and wall voids. Minneapolis has proven to be the perfect breeding grounds and hiding place for Asian lady beetles.

Rove’s Impact

Let a Rove specialist protect your home from Asian lady beetle infestation by treating the areas of your home which are most susceptible. Rove’s custom interior and exterior services provide you and your home the relief needed to enjoy your surroundings during all seasons of the year.