Packing food & packing in the fun @ Feed My Starving Children!
“I am surprised how little time and effort it takes to have such a big impact.” -Rove Team Member

Have you ever gone to bed hungry? Was it difficult to get a good night sleep on an empty stomach? Each night, children all over the world go to bed hungry, and wake up to the same predicament. Feed My Starving Children is working hard to change this gut wrenching routine.
Rove employees from the Oakdale MN branch recently joined them in the crucial work of filling little tummies. Employees shared their time and talents to pack food that was sent to children in other parts of the world…and had a ball doing it! Bags were filled with rice and veggies and vitamins, Oh MY! All things that will allow these little ones a chance at life!
A little over an hour was all it took to make a difference…

Visit Feed My Starving Children if you would like to volunteer your time or donate funds. Help a child go to bed with a full belly!