How to Check Your Hotel for Bed Bugs - Rove Pest Control

How to Check Your Hotel for Bed Bugs

5 Apr 2013 in bed bugs

Ways to Check Your Hotel for Bed Bugs

Submitted by rove on Fri, 04/05/2013 – 15:29
For decades, North America had little to fear from bed bugs.
With our strong pesticides, bed bugs didn’t stand a chance against us. But
since the pesticide DDT has been out of use, bed bugs have made a huge
resurgence—and many suspect that international travel contributes to the
growing problem.

You may think that only the old, seedy motel rooms would
have problems with bed bugs. But cleanliness won’t deter bug bugs; they can
reside in the cleanest environment. Even a four-star hotel can have a bed bug
infestation. Because of this, travelers are more cautious than ever to ensure
that they don’t bring back bed bugs with their souvenirs.

How to Avoid Hotel Bed Bugs

What can you do to prevent your home from becoming the front
lines in the battle against bed bugs? There are a few simple things you can do
to avoid bringing a bed bug couple home.

Look Up Online Reviews

Before you reserve your hotel rooms, be sure to look up
reviews online. But be wary—not all of these reviews are going to be unbiased.
They may be from a disgruntled ex-employee or a competing company. However,
reviews could warn you before you rent an infested hotel room.

Put Luggage in theBathroom

When you arrive, avoid putting your luggage on the floor
while you inspect the room. (Bed bugs will hitchhike on your luggage). The
bathroom is the best place to keep your luggage until you have thoroughly
inspected the room. The tile leaves few places to hide, and bed bugs live within
the sleeping area, rarely in the bathroom.

Inspect Mattress and Headboard

Next, inspect the mattress and the headboard. Check the seams
and edges of the mattress and in the sheets. Look for dark fecal spots or blood
spots. There may also be bed bug skins, or even live bed bugs. Turn your
attention to the furniture near or around the bed, such as the side tables,
behind picture frames, etc. Though bed bugs don’t typically travel too far from
the mattress, also be sure to inspect the couches, chairs, and closets.

White Powder Insecticide

Powder insecticide is a good indication of a previous
infestation. Even if the infestation isn’t an issue anymore, the powder may
harm you or your family.

An Extra Tip: Plastic Wrap Your Luggage

As an extra precaution, wrap your luggage in plastic during
your travels. You could use a simple garbage bag, or buy a fitted plastic
cover. The hotel room isn’t the only danger. Other travelers’ luggage could
easily be carrying the pests. So sealing your luggage away before getting on
the plane will prevent a nasty surprise later.


Enjoy your vacation, but be sure to take precautions. You
don’t want to bring any bed bugs home with you. Inspect the mattress, the side
tables, and even the chairs and couches. Use plastic to prevent bed bugs from
stowing away in your luggage. If you take these simple precautions, you will be
able to enjoy your vacation and post-vacation.