Sometimes You Have To Do A Little Looking To Do A Lot of Good!
We may not have many Rove team members in Utah, but the few that live there weren’t about to be left behind during the 2022 Holiday Season. They ran into some issues finding some good opportunities, but from their efforts, they ended up participating in 2 different opportunities!
They put together 100 food packs for kids at schools who don’t have food over the weekends. It ensures the kids have what they need to be fed over the weekend until they can get back to the school’s food support.

The other contribution was in Perry with a charity created by a family who lost their daughter in an ATV accident. Their report from that day of service was, “We met some locals and the mother cried because nobody knew us and I said we just heard about it and wanted to help. Loved the whole project and told her I’ll watch for the event next year. So again thanks for the push to serve it felt great.”
Thanks to the Utah group, the teams that have completed some projects in the recent past, the ones that have some upcoming, and the ones that are sharing individual, personal efforts in conjunction with the spirit of the season. Have a great rest of the week as you do a little looking to do a lot of good!