How to Use Moisture Management to Reduce Pest Activity - Rove Pest Control

How to Use Moisture Management to Reduce Pest Activity

1 May 2018 in pest control

With snow melting and temperatures warming up, it’s becoming prime time for water based pests like mosquitoes to start breeding. This time of year it becomes increasingly important to pay attention to water sources around your home, and to know how to manage them to reduce pest activity.

Snow melting and rain falling creates more opportunities for pest issues

There are several different kinds of pests that will lay eggs and live in or around open water sources. Many of these pests like spiders, mosquitoes, centipedes, and more will try and get into your home as well.

Standing water can gather in various places around your home. These include pet dishes outdoors, puddles under your deck, and in mud or puddles in lower areas of your yard. Pay attention to where these standing water points are. If you can eliminate them early in the spring season, it can greatly reduce pest activity throughout the summer.

Any major kind of temperature change or environmental change can cause pests to attempt to enter your home. For example, pests may be content living outside your home in comfortable weather. However, increased water from rain and snow melt forces these pests to find new places for shelter.

If these pests had been hanging out near your home, this will cause them to attempt to get into the cracks and crevices around your home.

Excess moisture can be a starting point for pest control treatments

All pests are going to need food, shelter, and water to survive. Therefore, areas that have an abundance of water can attract many pests. This provides food sources for predatory pests like spiders and breeding grounds for many other pests.

Paying attention to where moisture gathers can also be important as a way to determine where you should start treating with pest control products. In areas that have a higher concentration of moisture level, the level of pest activity often goes hand in hand.

Mosquitoes, for example, breed in stagnant water, so if there are many more options for them to lay eggs and breed around your home, it can cause their numbers to greatly spike in the summer months.

Begin your pest control treatments targeting those moisture areas to help reduce pest numbers further. Certainly try and remove the excess water in those areas first, but then focus your pest control treatments in those areas as well.

Sealing all entry points and cracks and crevices around your home can be difficult and isn’t always 100% effective for getting rid of pests. Especially with many parts of the country being hit with later than usual snowfalls, excess moisture around your home and increased pest activity this spring and summer are pretty inevitable.

Take action early to reduce pest issues throughout the summer

One of the biggest factors that leads to increased pest issues is simply leaving pests unchecked throughout the year. By taking a proactive approach to reduce moisture around your home it can go a long way to reducing the overall number of pests that can get into your home.

We also recommend having a pest control service like us at Rove Pest Control do a proactive pest control product barrier around your home to help reduce pest issues caused by the increased moisture from the late snowy weather.